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What do you need to know when doing Baito (Part-time) in Japanese

My list of Baito( read as ba-i-to) vocabulary will definitely grow if I get the chance to do some part-time in Japan but so far the Hokkaido Tokachi Food Fair is the only time I worked in an enviroment where 90% is made up of Japanese- from the organizers to the sales people, although it is in Singapore. Overall it was rather a pleasant and enjoyable expereience and I find my employer really considerate.


My 感想(what I think)

I wa a bit apprehensive at first about this part-time because I have watched some videos that talk about how working under the Japanese can be tough and they are very strict (mainly in the Food&Beverage industry). Knowing how clumsy I can be, I was really afraid I would get bashed. But everything turned out fine and everybody was happy >_< I felt assured as my rights as a worker was protected and respected, the pay was fair and never delayed and your requests would usually be approved as long as they reasonable. The KEY thing is to have a good attitude, show that you are willing to learn, obey instructions and communicate with them constantly to clariy things and check that you are doing things correctly.


What preparations do you need to do before your Baito?

Well I have only been in the sales/translating part-time so this is more applicable to that. It is recommended that you spend some time researching on the company beforehand. Things such as the company's background, its products and their benefits on the consumers are the basic information you would need when you give your "speech" to the customers.


Baito List (for reference)

  • レジ(reiji): cashier, it comes from the word "register". 收银机

  • レシート(reshito): receipt 收据

  • ギフト券(gifuto ken): shopping voucher 购物券

  • 売り上げ(u-ri-a-ge): sales/revenue 营业额

  • 試食(shishoku): food sampling 试吃

  • 両替(ryoo-gae):money changing 换钱

  • 札(sa-tsu): note/paper money 纸币

  • ぴったり(pi-ttari): exact amount 正好

  • 保冷剤(ho-rei-zai): ice pack 冰袋

  • 添加物(ten-ka-butsu): preservatives 防腐剂

Greeting to your colleagues and customers

Below are some of the things you can say to your Japanese colleagues and customers. You will feel so Japan-ish when you hear yourself saying these. Give it a try!

To colleagues

  • When you entered the workplace, say "good morning" ----> おはようございます(o-ha-yo-go-zai-ma-su)

  • When you end off the day -----> おつかれさまでした (o-tsu-ka-re-sa-ma-de-shi-ta) I don't know the exact english translation but it's something like good job.

  • If you leave the workplace early, "excuse me to go first"----->さきにしつれいします (sa-ki-ni-shi-tsu-rei-shi-ma-su)

To customers

  1. When you receive the money from customers ------> Amount+ Currency あずかりしました (a-zu-ka-ri-shi-ma-shi-ta)

  2. When giving back change -----> Amount+Currency おつりになります(o-tsu-ri-ni-na-ri-ma-su)

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